woensdag 7 april 2010

Keep in mind Aerial Lift Safety

Aerial Lift Safety

If proper aerial lift safety is not followed at all times it could result in a fatality - a fall, electrocution, collapse or tip over. All employees who operate aerial lifts (also boom-supported aerial platforms, including cherry pickers or bucket trucks) should be properly trained to be sure they are always safe while using this equipment. Other safe practices include:

■Follow manufacturer's instructions. Do not override electrical, hydraulic, or mechanical safety devices.

■Unless permitted by the manufacturer, never move equipment with workers in an elevated platform.

■Always inspect equipment and ensure lift platform chains or doors are closed before operating.

■Cones or signs should be present if working near traffic.

■All non-electrical workers should be at least 10 feet from overhead power lines.

■OSHA requires a full-body harness or a positioning device on bucket trucks or boom-supported lifts in order to prevent falls. If there is an anchorage inside the bucket, OSHA will accept a positioning device (belt) with a short lanyard.

■Make sure brakes are set. When on an incline, use wheel chocks.

■Outriggers should be used when provided.

■Ensure the load limit of the equipment is not exceeded-take the weight of the operator, tools, and materials into consideration too.

■Assume all power lines, wires, or other conductors are energized.

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